Research on the topic is limited, but some studies indicate people who are often angry and uptight tend to have more heart disease than those who are more laid back and take time to enjoy life.
A study by the University of Maryland Medical Centre took two groups of people and had one group watch parts of the serious movie Saving Private Ryan while the other group watched parts of the comedy Something About Mary. The researchers studied their blood vessels. The Saving Private Ryan group’s blood vessels constricted and their blood flow decreased, while the Something About Mary group’s blood vessels dilated and their organ circulation increased—which is good for heart health. Research also shows laughter decreases stress hormone levels, increases good cholesterol (HDL) and reduces artery inflammation—the main driver of coronary artery disease.
These good effects from laughter can last for up to 24 hours, so it seems daily laugher works as well as an apple to keep the doctor away. Here’s today’s joke to start your daily laugh:
“My dad encouraged me to register for an organ donation card—he’s a man after my own heart.” – Masai Graham