24-hour holter monitor
The 24-hour holter monitor is a non-invasive test that uses a small pager-sized device to record your heart rate and rhythm continuously for 24 hours. While wearing the holter monitor you will record any episodes of dizziness, palpitations or blackouts.
Your doctor has recommended you undergo a test called a 24-hour holter monitor.
You might not have heard this medical term before now and may be feeling unsure about the nature of the test.
This information sheet will outline what the test involves.
After you read this information sheet, you might still have questions. If so, please contact the team at Heart HQ. We’re here to help.
What’s a 24-hour holter monitor?
The 24 hour holter monitor is a non-invasive test that uses a small pager-sized device to record your heart rate and rhythm continuously for 24 hours. While wearing the holter monitor you will record any episodes of dizziness, palpitations or blackouts.
Once the test is completed, your cardiologist will review the recorded rhythms and heart rate, analysing them at the times you had symptoms to determine the cause.
How does it work?
The device records the data from several stickers attached to your chest wall that are connected by leads to the monitor. During the test you are encouraged to go about your normal daily activities, including exercise. You just need to make sure that the device leads and electrodes don’t get removed or wet.
After 24 hours, you’ll return to our clinic to have the monitor removed and discuss any symptoms that may have occurred during the monitoring period. We’ll then analyse the monitor results and set up a follow-up appointment.
We suggest that you shower just before you get the monitor connected, and wear a two-piece outfit during the 24 hour period of the test.
24-hour holter monitor info sheet